NZ Ethnic Women's Trust

NZ Ethnic Women's Trust

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Project Description

The NZ Ethnic Women's Trust, established in 2001, is a charitable society that supports women of various ethnicities, mainly from Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. A significant number of these women are refugees facing challenges in integrating into New Zealand society, often hindered by limited English proficiency, lack of local work experience, and large family responsibilities. NZEWT provides various services, including English classes, health education, and playgroups to foster bilingualism, aimed at developing skills and confidence for easier settlement in New Zealand. The organization is primarily volunteer-run, with paid roles limited to specific service providers like sewing teachers and playgroup coordinators. New Zealand Ethnic Women's Trust began as New Zealand Somali Women Association which was established due to growing need within the community. Although there are Somali groups operating in the Mt Roskill area, many are run by men within the community and it was difficult for the women in these groups to be heard and their needs taken into account. As a response to this, a women's group was set up with the aim of focusing on the needs of the women within this community.

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NZ Ethnic Women's Trust